Assembly Elections Open Forum on Apr 29th 2018

We are making History. Candidates standing for elections here in Mahadevpura will share one stage and answer very specific questions to help all observe and make their own decisions on who they feel will resolve their problems of Traffic, Polluted lakes, Air pollution, Garbage, Street Lights and more. Yes as MLAs, they have influence over all this as they are the King/Queen of the area. If you lose this opportunity to observe, decide and vote intelligently on May 12, it will only validate what we have heard directly from the parties -we put forward those candidates that get “votes”. Voter turnout and voting for the best candidate rather than your favorite party is our only hope for change in Mahadevpura. If you have any questions at all on why you must attend, please write to
To attend, do register so we have a sense of how many are coming. All are welcome.
See you all on Sunday!!
Best Regards,
Million Voter Rising team