You are invited

Whitefield Rising is proud to bring you the first-of-its-kind Whitefield Habba to celebrate the Karnataka Rajyothsava as well as our tiny microcosm of Whitefield.
This is no ordinary Habba. It will be a colorful and enchanting journey through the many facets of Whitefield – its culture and a glimpse into the world of our many artists and entrepreneurs.
You will experience traditional entertainment like Dollu Kunita, Mallakhamba and Gardua Gombe. But you will also experience our Anglo Indian Settler’s presence via Sam Peck’s beautiful singing while other migrants of recent times bring their art.
You will experience amazing foods from various parts of Karnataka like..Sol Kadi, Pananka. Nuchinunde, Jolada Roti/Ennagai,Mandakki, Halbhai and more!
You can shop from amazing local vendors such as the driver who also makes trinkets as a hobby.
You will see waste segregation in action and be part of a fest that will be litter free!!
This Habba is the sum of our learnings and experiences and we want to share them with you!
Over the 3.5 years that Whitefield Rising has been in existence, walking the streets, knocking on doors, supporting waste segregation, working with you on spotfixes and school rejuvenations, we have learnt a lot. Some of those key learnings include:
Whitefield’s diversity is simply amazing. We must all embrace and celebrate this and let it not become the cause of any divides.
We have seen change happen when one champion takes a cause and walks ahead, but our behaviors must change “en masse” or we cannot sustain the improvements we want.
We must actively engage with our community but also know our rights, understand how governance works and participate in it as engaged citizens
While we try to do this 365 days a year, on Sunday November 27th lets come out and celebrate Who WE are! This Habba or Fest was conceived with great care to celebrate our diversity and bring to you a variety of events, activities and performances that are sure to appeal to you and your children.
So, come! You need to be there! Your presence sends a message beyond just entertainment
Looking forward to celebrating Whitefield together.