Why Whitefield Rising Works

It was only when I sat across a sponsor at her Corporate Office and she was telling her assistant to keep the interview candidates waiting till their appointed time with a patient roll of her eyes that I realized how hard it is to find and build a good team. Though I always knew we were a team of extraordinary individuals at Whitefield Rising, I realized that I had not put them together. Infact, they had simply come together like iron filings to a magnet. They were markedly different and yet there were similarities that I could see from my perspective.
- They are all crazy. Crazy passionate about what they want to do.
- They learn a lot about their area of interest. Their learning styles may be different however
- They work beautifully in a team. They realize that alone their passion wont have an avenue to fulfill its destiny
- They are patient and grateful for any support they get.
- They care not for name , respect or credit. They are just delighted to exercise their passion. Therefore, there is no question of an ego.
- They care not for title or organization. They are just happy to see all the pieces of the puzzle come together and focus on their own piece.
- They are exhilarated and in turn exhilarating
- They draw on each other’s strengths quite naturally thereby complementing beautifully
- Their energy and enthusiasm is contagious
- Length of time in the work they are doing matters not! They are instantly bonded to others like them and welcome new members with open arms
- They are very intelligent
- They are supremely efficient. If they weren’t they realize they wouldnt get time for this.
- They naturally keep their personal lives open but uninterfering in their work. This way, everyone understands the context and constraints but there is neither sympathy nor false credits.
- They are extremely innovative. Thats the only way to be when the challenges and constraints are stacked up against you
- They are uniformly without an attitude about money. Socio economic class has actually not even been relevant.
- They have a smile that is unique. How does one explain this? Its from the heart and not one you use for social politeness
- Laughs ring out loud and people are often seen doubling over
- Hugs are the only way to greet
- Casual Conversation and politeness is redundant.
- Constructive disagreements are many and quite fun knowing you will not be judged and wont be judging another.
- Respect. Deeply embedded in all of them. A respect for all and every single thing around us including the person that irresponsibly dumps garbage !
I am proud I had the courage to found this movement.
But I am grateful and prouder still of the leaders who have chosen to work on this. They are better than me in many respects, different from each other and world class. I guess that means, we are here to stay. Are you a leader? Come join us.
Congratulations on the team’s achievements so far! I hope your movement has plenty of copy- cats.