Road Relief

For 2+ years now, a few people like Anu Parekh & Arvind Keerthi, have worked hard to see how they could move the government machinery into improving the infrastructure here in and around Mahadevpura and neighbouring areas. Then when things got really bad, the public stood up to protest and how! 10,000 people came together to support a few new leaders like Utkarsh Singh and the campaign #SaveWhitefield was born. The Bangalore Minister KJ George came to town and there is now some forward momentum. The last mile on these multi crore projects is moving and we see black tar. Better than GOLD for us Whitefielders. But while we celebrate the roads, she is pushing hard to get BWSSB to complete their pipe laying so they don’t dig a newly tarred road the next week..
Will the asphalting last? Will better infrastructure come our way? Only time and our efforts will tell. Meanwhile we applaud the persistence of of our champion Anu Parekh. There is no government official that she has not called, no office she has not visited and no day that has not seen her work on this for the last 2 years. Did we mention she is just like all of us in Whitefield Rising? A volunteer, a citizen and someone who wants to “Do” rather than complain.
Supported by: Madhavan S, Elan K, Arvind K, Rajesh B, Suhas N. . Also supported by RK Misra (Public Figure) and some good people across the different Govt Agencies.