No Ordinary year this. 2014

Happy New Year 2014
We believe we can. And why not. What an amazing diaspora Whitefield has. And the internet has brought to us so much information on how the rest of the world has solved the problems we all face.
Stray Dogs?Guess what, Bhutan has solved it.
Massive amounts of garbage? Cappanori has an answer
Water Shortage? The experts already know what we need to do.
You get the drift. So whats stopping us? The reality is that nothing much is stopping the ordinary citizen from going as far as he can take it. Sure, there are components that only governance and legislation can solve. But assuming that wont work and a laissez faire attitude wont help us get anywhere.
We in Whitefield Rising are incredibly excited and after 9 months of working amongst us, we recommend that you follow this Code. If each of us did this, Whitefield could be miraculously different in just 1 year. Want to give it a shot? Come on!