What happened outside Forum

This is to bring to your notice another incident which puts a big question Mark on the subject of women’s safety. It happened yesterday afternoon when I was on my way to forum value mall and was taking a U Turn in my car. Because it’s a narrow road and I drive a Scorpio I had to reverse my car to take the turn. That time when other cars preferred to wait one chap in an I10 tried to over take and was nearly about to get hit by my car. I was shocked and told him to hold on and be patient. Suddenly, I see this car block my car from moving and I see two men getting out of the same car and using abusive language. They were asking me to get out of my car. In the middle of no where in white field, I was scared and locked my car. But because they kind of tried to block my car I was scared to drive it away. I immediately called 100. They asked me to wait for 5-10 mins. That time I was so scared, but I patiently waited for the cops to come and sort out the issue. I was scared that what if they use force to pull me out of my car. Then I see these men approaching some traffic police. Seeing them I got a little relieved and tried explaining to them what had exactly happened. But these people constantly abused me with their hand gestures and language. I was shocked that they did all this in front of these traffic officials and they did nothing except walking out of that place saying it’s not their problem. When after 20 min I again called 100 for help they said it’s not the polices job to take care of such matters where somebody is abusing or blocking a woman’s car. Another shock!! After a lot of pleading the cops reached the place after 45 min of my having complained. Made me wonder what if these guys had mishandled me with the cops not being around to protect me! I would rather call somebody else the next time who can at least reach there on time and help me.I asked them why they were late and the only answer I got was ‘are we your body guards to protect u from someone who is verbally abusing u. Do we look like cheetah who will run and come. We have so much work to do. Do we have time for such things’ Shocked n humiliated I Requested them to take a letter at least for what happened which they randomly took on a paper and I thought it best to head home. Those guys left after seeing the cops. All I know may be I was lucky that nothing bad happened to me yesterday but made we just wonder what if I was really in a big problem and the worst could have happened to me. I can never really rely on the police in the future.
There are a lot of such illiterate rowdies in Whitefield who resort to abusive language and even violence. I have seen similar behavior from cops earlier. Unfortunately the solution to this problem is no where close. Cops have to pick up their standards to deal with such rascals.
Our Politicians we elect are not always Well Educated, some are from Rowdies Background. If Poloticians are Gundas then the Fellow men will be Gundas.
Change cant be expected from Police men becuase of few Highly salaried folks. Only change we can make is get out and start working on Social reforms and get the right political system.