Voter’s Journey

Experience and message from Rajput Arpit on his journey in getting his voter id card and why it is important to register and vote!
“Hi folks
Happy New Year
I am going to share a wonderful, one of the BEST experiences of my life journey.
It was the month of August when I came to know about Voter ID campaign. For a while I thought is it important for all to vote? I realized that if everyone thought the same way, how will we get good people elected into government?
A month after I submitted my form online on the portal, the status remained unchanged till today as “SUBMITTED”.
So I downloaded the form 6 from the website and filled it myself in October. I prepared the document and went to submit at AECS layout Bangalore One Center. Even there they did not give any acknowledgement copy so better don’t submit there.
Till November I did not have any track of my form. So I went to see my status at the Bangalore One Center and I kept running behind them vigorously.
Finally in December I got to know my form was rejected. The
reason for rejection was my rental agreement was less than 6 months old.
Finally, I filled a new form again with all new documents and went to Mahadevapura office.
I kept waiting and observing what all documents people were submitting.
I conveyed my frustration level to the lady who was collecting the form and she asked me to attach my dad’s voter ID card. I did it and within week I found myself in the draft roll.
Today was lucky day to get a printed copy of my Voter ID.
My conclusion:-
We people think that we belong to some other state and it is not important to exercise our right to vote when we live here in Karnataka. But this, is absolutely wrong since we are living here we always think of the development of our colony, area etc. We always blame the government for not doing this, that and much more. Remember we people elect the politicians in government. It’s high time to unite and understand our responsibility towards the place where we live and not just blame the drawback of the system. Be a responsible citizen of your country and state. So make your voter id at the place where you stay irrespective of the challenges to get it done, and do VOTE during the elections”.