Girls beware near Kundanahalli Gate Bus Stop

This came in from a girl that was affected! And how lovely to see that she took the trouble to document this and share. Thats the spirit of a real citizen!
BE AWARE !!!!STAY GUARDED and next time please take a look around !!!!!!
It seems few ill-minded entities have been working on creating a menace in this area.
While walking down the street on the super busy main road, you are suddenly hit by some THING on your butts with such a force that it is sure to leave a red mark along with an unbearable pain. (as if shot by a stone using catapult perfectly aimed).
(near KG Bus Stop). Certainly not a matter of ignorance.
Happened at:
1) K.Gate bus stop walking straight towards the stop. hit from left side.
2) Crossing the road towards the bus stop just from across ,again hit from left.
3) Sitting On bike near city super market
For now I do not know:
1) What is the THING. It may be a catapult or some sort of a gun.
2) From a very far distance or just passing nearby person.Most likely nearby passing.
Next Time/Actions :
1) Do stop by and take a look around what the THING is and also nearby people.
2) Be aware of people around(very vast possibilities)
I am sure many girls might have ignored it, confusing it for a flying stone hit by a passing car or found another reason to ignore ,but it can’t happen to 3 girls on at different time but the object hitting at exactly same part of the body.
Please help spread the word for others to be not caught “unaware” and also share if experienced.
Also feel free to add/provide suggestions to “Next Time/Actions”