Rent-a-Shopping Bag

Rent-a-Bag project in Nallurahalli, Whitefield was inaugurated on Saturday 19th March. Jute bags (sponsored by VDB) and cloth bags (sponsored by Intel) were distributed. All vegetable shops from Nallurahalli Junction to Casa Gopalan building were covered. A total of 1500 bags were distributed with 15+ volunteers which comprised local villagers, Whitefield Rising champions, ward committee members and corporate volunteers.
The project had got a bit delayed but luckily it happened just after the plastic ban. So instead of refusing to keep the bags, the shop keepers welcomed it! For now bags have been distributed equally to all shop keepers and shortly, the project will be evaluated with all shop keepers and more bags could be distributed.
A big thanks to the sponsors for supporting the cause. Hopefully a good example has been set which can be emulated.
————-Vikas Chandra, Whitefield Rising Champion ( )
Just fantastic. More organisations can come forward and introduce this kind of an
initiatives in other areas of Bangalore too. There is always something great happening
in BANGALORE. I see synergy at its best in this City than anywhere else in our country.
Great job Chandra for giving publicity to it thro your website. You deserve our wartm
appreciation too