preserve our culture.
Music, Dance, Drama, History - The Ties That Bind Us Together.
What we @ WR do for Arts and Heritage
Participation in cultural events is essential to building community cohesion. Several initiatives in Whitefield are creating connections through a culture of conversations, workshops and curated performances.
Sarani dance festival, lecture demonstrations etc have over the years made a holistic difference and impact to the community. Sarani, a collective of individuals passionate about spreading the joy of dance through education around performances, partnered with ‘Whitefield Ready’ for Whitefield Dance Carnival at Forum Neighbourhood Mall.
Swartaal, a beautiful dance festival, brought together by Jagriti Theatre and Whitefield Rising in August 2017 and 2018 brought high quality classical music and dance performances by providing a platform for talent across Whitefield as well as professional artists.
Whitefield Habba, a community carnival, hosted by Whitefield Rising was one of its kind fun event/ traditional celebration for families/communities of Whitefield and surrounding areas. Celebrated on Sunday, 27th November,2016, it showcased our interesting residential diversity, cultural heritage, local enterprises and the spirit of 6000 people who attended.
Heritage walks organised in the old Anglo-indian settlement at Whitefield showed up the disconnect between the old and new. Two walks were conducted on 6th July, 2015 and 15th August, 2019 by Saythu, a collaborative heritage practice led by professionals specialised in heritage conservation and management. The places covered were The Memorial church, Waverly Inn residence where Winston Churchill had stayed, ‘Perfect Peace’, Merlyn D’Souza’s lovely old house, Our lady of Lourdes Church, Whitefield and the view of Whitefield from Kaolin Hill, with new high rise buildings in the distance.