A citizens movement
for the people, by the people

Hello & Welcome!

From a gathering of 50 like-minded citizens who came together to save a majestic tree in 2013, to a movement of citizens working in their own individual capacities or as a group to make a better place for themselves and others, Whitefield Rising has come a long way. 

YOU are doing the same too! And are looking for ways to make your home, community and city a better place.

In these pages you will get to know initiatives WR has supported, led, and continue to work on. It is an ongoing journey, fully aware of the challenges but also of the progress  we have made. Some big, many small, all which sustain and continue to inspire us. 

One thing we have learned: We/You can do it. 

Come, walk with us.

What do we do at Whitefield Rising

Our Causes

Save Trees Today, Increase Our Green Cover Tomorrow.
Reduce Reuse Recycle
Get The Tips On How To Keep Calm, And Always Recycle.
Relief Drives
Covid Or Flood, WR Is Always There.
Conserve Water, Avoid Zero Day.
Eco Santhe
Act Local, Come To Our Santhe, Promote Our Community.
Government Schools
Support Govt. Schools, Uplift An Entire Nation.
Foaming To Rejuvenation, Every Lake Has Its Story.
Waste Management
All Garbage Segregation Begins At Home.
Skill Development
Enable Jobs For The Youth, Create Livelihoods Forever.
Be A Part Of The Solution, Not The Pollution.
Fix A Spot Today, Get A Cleaner City Tomorrow.
No Citizen Left Behind For Medical Help.
Animal Welfare
All Beings Matter, So Let’s Live in Harmony.
Arts & Heritage
Music, Dance, Drama, History - The Ties That Bind Us Together.


Some More Information

What is

What is

Whitefield Rising


it Started


You can Join