Whitefield Rising Manifesto

- An active and vigilant Corporator.
- Working Ward Committee – Citizens will support Corporator at higher levels of Government.
- Bi-weekly meetings and published weekday for public meetings.
- Corporator must inspect and visit the area physically weekly.
- Actively work with Companies (CSR) and individual citizens of the Ward.
- Identify and develop public spaces in the Ward – even small areas around street vendors can be beautified.
- To set up a call centre in BBMP and also connect through Whatsapp & sms .
- Identify and fix every single black spot in the Ward systematically from Week 1.
- No bribes for basic services or khata in the ward – reporting mechanism and action against erring officers.
- Training programs to the BBMP & the corporator support staff on what “quality of life” really means.
- Citizen journalism cell and weekly interaction with the press and media updates.
Immediate areas of concern
- Good portable drinking water
- Cauvery water connections where ever required.
- Post connection scheduled water supply without asking for bribe from the residents
- Ensure garbage collection occurs daily with separate days for dry waste pick up
- Make a list of all Apartments in the ward
- Identify who are not practicing Solid waste management
- Dust bins to be installed on main roads for walk about litter (Bus stops and main areas)
- Formula -ETICATE -(Educate -Train -Impose -Care – Advertise -Transform -End the issues of waste management.
- Potable clean drinking water in all Ward schools
- Provide toilets and libraries in all schools
- Upgrade play ground with Company CSR and Block Education Officers
- Educate about SWM and cleanliness of neighborhood
- Vigilance about road damage and making people who break also restore and repair
- Strict enforcement against anyone damaging roads
- Strict immediate repair of footpaths
- Regular inspection of main areas and village areas
- Covering the drains
- Any BWSSB /OFC road cutting work for fixing pipelines extra to return the road as it was earlier and control system to be on place.
- Frequent checks on the pothole filling and repair work
- Dedicated small pot hole filling vehicle with both concrete and tarring technology (even the shell mac concept).
- To route the pothole filling complaints through the call centre.
Traffic management
- Lane discipline – Proper road segregation/ lane demarcation for pedestrians, 2 wheelers & 4 wheelers.
- The private taxis and cabs also has to be disciplined on rash driving, wrong side driving, honking, road rage, etc.
- Education to both the urban elite and the rural
- Proper signage to be installed for street signs and parking/no parking areas
- Stringent penalties for defaulting and strict rules & regulations.
- Encourage traffic wardens.
- Look into safety of the police personnel from the pollution, sun & rain.
- Conduct traffic education programs for both the techies and the rural folks.
Bus -shelters
- Clean areas around bus shelters and proper footpath around the area
- Pedestrian crossings to be marked and cycle stands to be provided at shelters
- Designed to be more of public utility than advertising purpose.
- This should be very informative and promote mandatory benefits message.
- To discipline Private bus operators.
- Plan and ensure proper parking zones.
- Construct multilevel parking zones.
- Busy streets and community can have one side parking on alternate days.
- Strict rules and penalty on offenders.
- Ensure impact advertising on no parking and other rules.
Street lights
- Plan and install street lights at required intervals.
- Promote solar powered lighting.
- Constant vigil on the repair of the lightings.
- Ensue safety of women, children and commuters with proper illumination.
- Eradicate the cable laying mafia over the lamp posts which is an eye sore and hazardous at times with hanging cables.
- Install CCTV at vantage points to check crime and for safety measures.
- Also work for alternate -solar source for lighting.
Identify atleast 5 locations for toilets in the Ward and plan on building 3-4 every quarter
- eToilets and full service toilets
- With the CSR and Govt – PPP format need to plan toilet facility for both men & women at every 2 kms distance on a pay & use concept.
- Ideally these toilets can be planned along the bus-shelters to ensure proper usage and security to the users also.
No Plastic Zone
- We should educate and promote zero usage of non permissible plastic.
Street Vendors
- Implement National Street Vendor policy
- Demarcate vending zones
- To identify larger holding grounds to settle the Hawkers with license and discipline them.
- There are so many waste lands as well as community areas encroached by temples, etc these areas can be converted into hawkers zone and allow fair parking facility also.
- The hawkers can be the vegetables & fruit vendors with cleaner display formats and planned garbage disposal.
- For the food karts – BBMP has to get them to follow certain hygiene practice and proper food license and monitoring.
Here again we can follow the formula of ETICATE.
Construction & Retailers guidelines
- Follow a town planning concept
- We should have strict rules and regulations before authorizing any commercial or residential constructions.
- Enforce no dumping of construction materials on footpath
- All commercial buildings should provide ample parking and other facility to conduct business.
- Provide parking zones with help of police and citizen involvement
- All construction material carrying vehicles has to be fully covered while carrying the debris or materials to the site or dump yard.
- BBMP should take up grass lawns replacing with the empty side lanes and lands to avoid dust rising & polluting.
- Any trenches cut across the roads for water or sewerage connections has to repair the road or face fines.
- Underground cabling or any digging has to be with permission and ensure proper repair of the roads.
- Plan and provide good UGD facility. Work with BBMP Major roads and citizens.
Advertising & Billboards
- Defacing the trees and the walls to be strictly avoided and heavy fines to be levied on these individuals or companies.
- Bill board should carry strict technical instructions and avoid damages or falling during the heavy winds and rains.
- The publicity material has to be of good quality than tearing and becoming an eyesore.
Model Zone Propaganda
Any citizen should be proud of living in the area with the best living standards.