Whitefield Police get active listening training

Bembala Training team had a successful Active listening training for Head Constables and Assistant Sub-inspectors at Whitefield Police Station at the beginning of March. As the month came to an end, we interviewed a police officer on his experience and how the training helped him.
Bembala: Did you feel the training was relevant to your day to day work?
Police : Absolutely. After the training, we feel better prepared for handling women-related cases. We see multiple cases on a daily basis, ranging from small issues to domestic violence.
Bembala : How has the training helped?
Police: We are committed to improving the service we offer citizens. The police station prioritizes cases related to women, providing a platform for airing their grievances and working out the right solution. Our improved listening skills are helping in making the survivors feel at ease and comfortable in revealing sensitive issues. We feel people are very comfortable in approaching the police with their concerns.
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