Solid Waste Management

All of us residing in cities, generate significantly more waste per person than those residing in villages. Individually, we are accustomed to just getting the waste out of our house, without being aware of where it goes and what happens to it. Most of the urban areas in India, collect their waste and dump it in some rural area, creating garbage mountains. Specifically, Bengaluru sends its waste to 7 different landfills in villages around Bengaluru. So, think about it – would you like someone to dump their garbage near your house, creating a smelly, unsightly, toxic and disease causing garbage hill, rampant with flies, mosquitoes and rodents?

Well, this is no longer an option for Bengaluru as per the BBMP regulations since late 2012. It is now mandatory to segregate the waste we generate in Bengaluru, in order to significantly reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

While it is the law in Bengaluru, we would argue that it is our moral responsibility to our fellow citizens and our future generations to manage our waste responsibly and ethically.

Resources on Waste Management

How to do community composting using Organic Waste Converter

How to dispose things the right way

Construction and Demolition Waste Management

How to rescue a public place from garbage menace

Resource Recovery Center Project

Zero Waste Event Guidelines

Waste Management Vendor Directory

Success stories in Whitefield Communities

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