Resources for Sustainable Living in Whitefield

For Parties – Degradeable versions of

  1. Disposable Plates
  2. Disposable Bowls
  3. Disposable Water Glasses
  4. Disposable Tea Cups
  5. Disposable Spoons
  6. Also, a Guide on how to dispose after party. (Eg: shd the plate be rinsed, dried and then disposed? That will never work!


For Festivals

  1. Eco Ganesha
  2. Fireworks not made by Children
  3. Natural Colors for Holi


For Seggregation

  1. Compost Bin
  2. Stickers for Bins
  3. Wet Waste Bags
  4. Reference Chart for Community
  5. Reference chart for household in English, Kannada and Hindi
  6. No Plastic Bags sticker poster for Shops
  7. Booklets explaining segregation and the need for it in Kannada and Hindi
  8. Handy fridge list of numbers to call for Waste management


For Shopping

  1. Recyclable cloth/jute bags that shopper can take
  2. Bags that shops can stalk to give at a cost


Best Products for Daily Chores

  1. Floor Cleaner
  2. Dishwasher detergent
  3. Washing Machine Detergent


For the Garden

  1. What to add
  2. What to AVOID!


For your  vegetable and fruit produce

  1. Where to buy
  2. What to Avoid! (Eg: Easily contaminated produce = greens. Best to grow or buy from reliable organic store)


For your cereals and pulses


For Gifting

  1. Eco Gift suggestions and where to find them
  2. Eco Gift Bags


For Travel

  1. Carpooling to Airport
  2. Bus Routes and timings to get around Whitefield
  3. Bus Routes and timings to get to the city