
#MahadevapuraDemandsThat our Elected Representatives ResignWe are DONE with living in filth, traffic jams and pollution. And for years now!Did you know that Rs 56,000 per small vehicle per month is allocated for garbage pickup and we have enough of these vehicles but they do not service the allocated areas? You can guess why they don’t go around daily. Is it any surprise that garbage lies around the street? Infact even CSR funds to set up a local DWCC that would reduce the stress on the waste system had to be foregone due to non allocation of public land for public works. Even an excellent Additional Commissioner allocated to our zone as well as to Solid Waste Management cannot freely execute efficiently.Did you know that rampant borewell illegal digging happens for commercial distribution of water with the full knowledge of authorities while local villagers see their own wells run dry due to the fast depletion of the water table?Did you know that Kundalahalli Junction was to get an underpass years ago? And when it finally began, the plan quietly changed to a narrower road that alert vigilant local residents caught!Did you know that contracts to lay and make improvements to these junctions/roads are given to companies that have a track record of poor performance while what we need in this area reeling under the onslaught of massive population increase is high quality road layers?Did you know that alerting any bureaucracy to any of these issues does not mean much because in the end they are controlled by the politician?Did you know that Varthur Lake has had CSR funds committed to begin work and for years now the government has not moved to allow the works to proceed?Did you know that we have population worth 25 wards but are only assigned as 8 wards and thus with reduced fund allocation? Eg: Varthur at 27 square kms is allocated as one ward but Dasarahalli (not in Mahadevapura) has that same status of a ward at less than 1 sq km!Did you know that we could have incredible rail connectivity across Bengaluru with slight improvements to existing rail infrastructure? You could go from Whitefield to Majestic in 40 minutes flat like you would in a Mumbai Local.Did you know that merely allowing the few efficient BBMP, BDA, BWSSB officials to work in our areas would resolve most of our problems? An honest, efficient Joint Commissioner and Tahsildar would not work for the party in power. So every politician in power ensures their “favourite” person is in the role. Did you know that none of the agencies work in a coordinated fashion and that is why we have road digging after road laying? And this is because the power rests with the politician and NOT the bureaucracy. An empowered body such as UMTA is all that is required to coordinate all mobility/transport related activities across Bengaluru. Did you know that if they really wanted, BTP could enforce the menace of wrong side driving?That’s it!For 7 years we collaborated with the Government to try and improve these aspects but the time has come to share that this is a “systemic” issue and we will see NO improvement until each politician feels the threat of losing his/her vote bank.Attached Manifesto which captures the issues and needs of Mahadevapura across 8 wards was signed by our MLA and every other prospective candidate before the elections. Not even one of these items has been acted upon. This is NOT what Mahadevapura voters want. We want our Corporators, MLA and MP to ACT!We refuse to be baited by Party Politics. We are not BJP, Congress or AAP supporters. We are supporters of ethics, integrity and good governance. To that end, we call all the elected representatives of Mahadevapura an UTTER FAILURE led by MLA Shri. Arvind Limbavali. We now demand the below so change can come to Mahadevapura. In addition to the 1 year old asks above, which were anyway a repeat of the asks from the years gone by, we DEMAND the below on a war footing.1. Mahadevapura Municipal Corporation with accountability2.BTP Office in Mahadevapura3. An empowered UMTA prioritizing Suburban Rail4. Rejuvenate Bellandur Lake and Varthur Lake beginning immediatelyWe urge ALL residents of Mahadevapura to join us on Friday, October 18th at 9.30 am sharp at the Marathahalli Bridge Bus Stop. (The open ground next to Indira Canteen)Bus is the best way to get there. Please bring your own cap and water bottle. Pledge to bring 10 others with you if you are truly angry with the situation as it stands. Let us all stand UNITED. |

Media coverage after protesthttps://twitter.com/timesnow/status/1185243536867741696?s=12