AUG 22nd 2015 : BBMP Election polling day

BBMP Election polling day is on AUG 22nd 2015 (Saturday) This list of 10 steps will help you on what to do on the polling day.
1. Check whether your name is in Electoral Roll for you to vote. ( ) (Search by Voter ID or using first 4 letters in the names column. Relation name is either your father’s name or husband/wife’s name)
2. Know the list of candidates in your ward and review the Affidavits of the candidates. ( )
3. If you have attended a Meet the Candidate session in your area share information with your neighbors so people can take an informed decision.
4. If you are not aware of more information about the candidates, you can consider the candidates endorsed by BPAC as stated below. ( )
Whitefield Rising
PS: (Lok Satta has no candidates in Mahadevpura ward) BPAC has only considered 4 of our wards for endorsement. They have endorsed a total of 50 candidates from 81 wards across different parties including BJP, Congress, JDS, Lok Satta and Independents.
5. In many wards the votes are divided 50-50 amongst the villages – so yours could be the swing and deciding vote – EVERY VOTE COUNTS – most candidates have won by margins as slim as 1000 or under.
6. If all the candidates look incompetent or completely corrupt, don’t sit back, vote for the lesser Devil so that parties get the message that our votes count during the election.
7. Go and cast your vote in the assigned polling station noting down the part no and serial number, on August 22nd 2015.
8. You don’t need a voter ID card to vote – any form of govt issued identification is good as long as your name is on the voter list.
9. Forward this information to your friends, neighbors, residents, colleagues and put it in the notice board in your apartment.
10. Help the residents in your apartment to find their serial no and part no on polling day following the STEP-1 and inspire people to vote.
Whitefield Rising
1. Why should I vote when I know nothing is going to be changed? By doing so, we are losing our right and someone else is going to vote on your name. Change cannot happen instantly but can happen progressively over the period of time. Let’s be the part of that change.
2. Why we shouldn’t all vote for the same candidate to swing the elections? Let us make informed decision by getting to know more about the candidates by reading their affidavits and meeting the candidate. Let us vote for the right candidate after doing our homework and slowly
3. All candidates in my Ward are Corrupt. What should I do? To be frank this is the case with many wards. In such case you can vote for the better one out of the worst. Committee like BPAC has endorsed few candidates based on a review process. Likewise you can see other citizen based movement who have endorsed candidates and eliminated the candidates who has cases pending/based on corruption history etc., Moreover go and meet the candidates and make a decision by talking with them and get to know from the friends who have attended such meetings.
4. How do we know BPAC Endorsements are reliable? B.PAC (Bangalore Political Action Committee) is a citizen’s collective that aims to build a better Bangalore and enhance the quality of life of every citizen. It has representation from diverse walks of life including several eminent personalities from the fields of politics, business, sports, the arts and entertainment. Being said that, there could be other citizen’s movement whose endorsements can also be considered.
5. Why is no one from Whitefield Rising standing? Whitefield Rising is a Citizens driven community and if there is an independent candidate standing from this community, it would have endorsed after reviewing the candidate/member. But, it does not want to field a candidate as it is not a political party.
We are not endorsing candidates but sharing information to help informed decision making. We are also waiting for some more feedback from other independent agencies like SMART vo