Water Woods
- 51 Apartments/Row Houses
- Capital Costs Rs 2,500/apt.
- Rs 2,000 from HOA and Rs 500 from Resident
- Operational Cost Rs 2,000/month for supplies
- Effort
- Resident – Minimal
- Housekeeping Staff – 15 mins/day
- Garden Staff – 15 mins/day
- Leave it Pots – 2 hrs/15 days
- Compost Pit – 4 hrs every 45 days
- Started with wet-waste in Dec ’11 because that made the largest dent – Over 50% reduction in waste.
- Started an education program
- Ran a “Freedom from e-waste campaign”
- Starting regular collection by Oct 31st
- Ran a “Freedom from medicine waste campaign”
- Starting regular collection by Oct 31st
- Each home is given 120 paper bags free per year