10 reasons why you should compost

10 reasons why you should compost

  1.  Composting turns trash into treasure
  2. Compost turns what would ordinarily be considered “garbage” into viable nutrients.
  3. Composting builds soil
  4. Composting plays a critical role in building healthy soil. This is extremely important given that the US loses about 3 tons of topsoil per acre annually.
  5. Composting cultivates healthy plants
  6. Composting also fosters diverse life in soil, which supports healthy plant growth.Healthy plants are less susceptible to damage from pests, weather, and other natural “threats.”
  7. Composting eliminates the “need” for chemicals
  8. Composting yields nutrient rich food
  9. Composting is simple
  10. Composting is fun

Two Great Vendors that give us what we need to compost at home

Daily Dump
Greentech Life